
Tech Triumphs: Wrapping Up the Technology Course Journey

 As I reflect on the Ed Tech Program, I can definitely say that I am in awe of how the program has evolved. I was in the second cohort of the program, Cohort 2, and 10 years later, I am still overwhelmed with the enriching experience in using all the different technology tools introduced in the program. This program empowers educators and staff alike to use innovative tools and methodologies to enhance teaching and learning in this digital age.   I cannot say that the topics themselves were a challenge, but the overwhelming abundance of tools available to explore. It can be time consuming to explore these tools and identify which ones work best for each individual's needs.  My biggest takeaway are the student-centered approaches to technology integration. It is also important that we as educators are up to date with these technologies while taking into consideration and prioritizing our students' learning needs, insterests, and learning styles to ensure that we create engaging

TechTrek: Navigating Learning Landscapes

 Good Morning and welcome to the TechTrek, where we explored a dynamic journey of instructional design with technology. In this course we were guided through the ever-evolving landscapes of learning and the use of technology.  My initial thoughts about this course were guided by the following key questions:  1) What is instructional design with techology? and, 2) Why is instructional desihm with technology important?  Through this course we understood instructional design with technology to be a strategis (and lengthy) process in curation of effective learning experiences by intergrating innovative technologies into our education practices and strategies we already use in the classroom. It involved desiging, developing, and delivering digital learning materials and experiences that engage all our learners and enhance learning outcomes.  Instructional design with technology now more than ever is significant in modern education for many reasons:  It enables persoalized and adptive learni

Gadgets and Gizmos: A Student Tech Products Reflection

Reflecting on a Student Tech Product course brings back memories of a fascinating journey through the intersection of technology and education. This course, designed to arm teachers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the rapidly evolving tech landscape, is much more than just a series of assignments. It's a gateway to understanding how technology can enhance learning, streamline productivity, and even ignite innovation within the academic sphere. One of the most striking aspects of this course is its ability to demystify technology tools through the exploration of how to use various tech products. This dive into technology fosters a sense of curiosity among teachers, encouraging them to not just be users of technology, but creators and innovators as well along with our digital native students.  The hands-on approach adopted by the course is particularly noteworthy. By engaging directly with the latest gadgets, software, and platforms, we teacher gained practical ex

The One with the DigiCitiZenShip

  To be a digital citizen is an ever growing process as technology continues to evolve. As responsible members in the digital world we must strive to follow and uphold standards provided that have been outlined by the  International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). While I may have been practicing some of these safeguard standards, I was surprised that they have grown to include nine categories as follows: Digital Access: Addressing the equitable access to digital tools, resources, and opportunities for all. Digital Commerce: About responsible and ethical behavior related to online transactions, commerce, and financial activities. Digital Communication: Focusing on effective and appropriate communication in digital environments, including collaboration, netiquette, and interpersonal skills. Digital Literacy: Developing the skills necessary to critically evaluate and navigate digital information, including media literacy and information literacy. Digital Etiquette: Teaching

Is This the End: Reflecting Back on Google Apps for Education

  It is now the 12th Cohort, which makes it approximately a decade since I first learned how to use Google Apps for Education. I still remember how in awe I was that these apps existed on a web-based platform and that they did not need software to be downloaded onto the computer. I am still in awe of these apps and more so that the company continues to upgrade its features as technology advances to meet the demands of its users. Because I am self-determined, for this course at least, I am slightly disappointed that I did not learn anything new about the apps itself. What I did learn, however, is that I have used these apps so frequently that they have become necessary in the work that I do each day. It has become evident that embedding technology is needed with today's digital learners and that I as an educator must not only be able to understand and use these apps but also know how to maximize its use to ensure all my students can access my content. I use Google Apps for a multitu

Of All Things Grateful

 As the Thanksgiving week draws near, we often find ourselves being overly embraced with many bolstering activities centered around Gratitude. But why must we wait for this season to come to be reminded of all the great things we should be grateful for in our lives? Every waking day of our lives is a reason to be grateful. I can go on and on about all the things we should be grateful for, but I do not believe that I can do it justice. However, I will share a few things in the hope that those of you who read this will also take some time this week to reflect on what you are most grateful for.  I am grateful for.... Needless to say, this first one is self-explanatory. There are not enough words or actions that can suffice the gratitude I feel for the Lord.  I am grateful for .... Needless to say without them my existence would be non-existent.  I am grateful for... My forever and always loves of my life. I can never express the overwhelming emotions that I have for my children.  What I t

As the Mind Boggles: ChatGPT

 I have yet to be completely accepting of the whole concept of ChatGPT being used in the classroom. The very idea that an algorithm of sorts can answer open ended questions for students much less write entire paragraphs or even essays for me is still mind boggling. How are we to instill and build our student's critical thinking skills when they can get answers to what we know to be though provoking questions by asking a "bot". The whole idea of Artificial Intelligence slowly creeping and becoming something we are starting to become dependant on can be a scary thought. In education, it is an ongoing conversation and many find this to be a good thing. Apparently, AI is also opening more doors. "Experts" on the matter are emerging everywhere, however the true potential of AI in the world is still an ongoing process. In respect to the "experts", I feel it has become more of a sharing of strategies and adapting to its use in education.  Despite how quickly